The Narcissistic Psychologist and a Monkey

Narcissistic Psychologist
Narcissistic Psychologist – Photo by Des Récits on Unsplash

Dr. Narcissus, a narcissistic psychologist with a notorious reputation for arrogance and self-absorption, existed once upon a time. One day he received an invitation to interview a special monkey. The monkey had just made it into heaven safely after dispatching from a plane and into a parachute.

As the narcissistic psychologist made his to heaven, he couldn’t help but feel excited at the prospect of interviewing such a unique and rare monkey. A group of angels greeted him at the gates of heaven and led him to the monkey’s room when he finally arrived.

Dr. Narcissus was immediately struck by the monkey’s kind and gentle nature as he entered the room. Even in heaven, the monkey possessed a rare humility and gratitude that the narcissistic psychologist had not often seen in humans.

As the interview began, Dr. Narcissus asked the monkey about his experiences on earth. He wanted to know what had led him to heaven. The monkey told the narcissistic psychologist about his life as a performer in a traveling circus. He said that he had always tried to bring joy and happiness to those around him.

Dr. Narcissus tried to reassure the monkey that everything was going to be alright, but the monkey was inconsolable. He told Dr. Narcissus that he and the pilot had been close friends for many years, and that he couldn’t bear the thought of being without him.

As the interview came to a close, the narcissistic psychologist thanked the monkey for his time. He began to make his way back to earth. As he left the gates of heaven, he also couldn’t help but feel a sense of sadness for the monkey and the pilot. He fervently wished for their reunion in heaven one day.

Sydney Poem: Up in the Sky, Flying High with My Monkey Friend

Sydney – Photo by Jamie Davies on Unsplash

Sydney: Up in the Sky, Flying High with My Monkey Friend

Up in the sky, flying high with my monkey friend. Off to Sydney we go, for the school holidays to spend

Our kids are with us, so excited and full of cheer. They can’t wait to see all that Sydney has to offer this year

We’ll take them to the beach and let them play in the sand. Maybe even go for a swim, if they’re brave enough to take a stand

We’ll show them the Opera House and all the sights to see. Take a ferry ride across the harbour, just them and you and me

We’ll eat at all the best restaurants and try new foods. Maybe even go to a show or two, if we’re in the mood

But for now, we’ll just sit back and enjoy the ride Drunk pilot and monkey friend, side by side

Off to Sydney we go, for a holiday we won’t forget With our kids by our side, we’ll make memories we won’t regret

Drunk Pilot.

From Sydney As the wife of the drunk pilot

I have to say that this poem really hits home for me. My husband is always dragging our children off to Sydney, or wherever else his adventures may take him, pretending that he’s some kind of fearless adventurer with his imaginary monkey by his side. It’s exhausting, and I can’t help but feel left behind.

Sure, I’m happy that our kids get to experience all of the amazing things that Sydney has to offer, but it’s hard not to feel jealous when they get to go on these trips without me. And let’s not even get started on the fact that my husband is always drunk when he’s flying. It’s reckless and irresponsible, and I worry about their safety every time they take off.

Overall, I would say that this poem is a fun and whimsical look at a family adventure in Sydney, but it definitely hits a little too close to home for me. I just wish that my husband would consider staying home and spending some quality time with our family instead of constantly running off with his monkey friend.

Bojo’s Grill & Sports Club: Drunk Pilot & Imaginary Monkey

Bojos Grill & Sports Club
Bojo’s Grill & Sports Club

As the night wore on at Bojo’s Grill & Sports Club in Winslow, Arizona. Jack found himself feeling more and more adventurous. He had always been fascinated by drones, and after a few too many beers. He couldn’t resist the temptation to take his out for a spin.

Despite the protests of his friends and the bartender. Who pointed out that he was in no condition to fly. Jack was determined to show off his skills. And so, with a fierce determination in his eyes and a wobbly step. He made his way out to the parking lot of Bojo’s Grill & Sports Club, where he had left his drone.

But as Jack soared through the sky, the monkey seemed to grow more and more mischievous. It was constantly trying to lick Jack’s feet and convince him to go higher and higher, even as Jack tried to keep the drone under control. The crowd at Bojo’s Grill & Sports Club were going absolutely bananas.

Despite the challenges, Jack couldn’t help but laugh with delight as he chased after birds and soared through the air like a playful monkey. As he soared through the sky, the feeling of freedom and joy that consumed him was like nothing he had ever encountered. It was as if he had been reborn, and the world was his playground.

Bojo’s Grill & Sports Club

Eventually, Jack’s drunken escapades came to an end. As he crashed his drone into a tree and passed out on the ground outside. But even as he slept, he dreamt of flying his imaginary monkey through the clouds, feeling a sense of excitement and adventure that he had never known before.

When Jack woke up the next morning, he had a pounding headache and a bruised ego. But he couldn’t help but smile as he remembered the incredible experience he had had the night before. And as he stumbled back into Bojo’s Grill & Sports Club to nurse his hangover. He made a mental note to himself to stick to the brewery’s signature IPA in the future – it was the best beer at the bar, after all.