30 Days, 30 Marathons, In 30 Different Countries

30 days 30 marathons
30 Days, 30 Marathons – Photo by Tikkho Maciel on Unsplash

I had always been a bit of a party animal. I loved nothing more than a good drink and a wild night out, and I had traveled to some amazing places all around the world to experience the best parties that each location had to offer. But as I approached my 40th birthday, I started to feel like something was missing. I was feeling pretty down in the dumps and couldn’t shake the feeling that my life was going nowhere. I needed to do 30 Days, 30 Marathons.

That’s when I decided to make a change. I had always been a runner, and I had always dreamed of running a marathon. So I set a goal for myself: 30 days, 30 marathons, in 30 different countries. I was up for the challenge and I was going to give it my all.

I had an imaginary monkey named Bob by my side, cheering me on and giving me positive affirmations. “You can do this!” he would say. “Just think of all the amazing benefits you’ll experience!”

But Bob wasn’t always helpful. In fact, he seemed to delight in trying to sabotage my efforts of 30 Days, 30 Marathons. He would sneak cigarettes and alcohol into my suitcase, and he would try to convince me to skip my runs and go out partying instead.

Despite Bob’s best efforts, I managed to stick to my plan. I traveled to some amazing places all around the world, from the beaches of Bali to the streets of Paris, and I ran a marathon in each location. It was a grueling schedule, but the sights and sounds of each new place kept me motivated.

Marathon Makeover

As the days went on, I started to notice some incredible changes. I was sleeping better than I had in years, and I had more energy during the day. My skin was clearer, and I even lost a few pounds. I also found that I was able to concentrate more easily, and I was less prone to making mistakes.

The real cherry on top was the emotional transformation I experienced as a result of 30 Days, 30 Marathons. Suddenly, I was a joyful and contented individual, no longer stuck in a rut. It was as if I had won the emotional lottery and acquired a brand new lease on life. I was practically bursting with excitement at the thought of what the future might hold.

Of course, it wasn’t all easy. There were definitely times when I wanted to give up and have a drink. I had come too far to give up, so I dug deep and kept going. I was determined to see it through to the finish line.

30 days, 30 marathons

And when I finally crossed the finish line of the 30th marathon, the feeling of accomplishment was indescribable. I had more energy, more focus, and more joy than I had in years. I knew that I couldn’t keep up this pace forever, but I also knew that I had gained some valuable insights that I could take with me for the rest of my life.

So if you see me out on the town, don’t be surprised if I’m a little more subdued than usual. I’ve learned the value of moderation, and I’m not about to give up the newfound sense of balance I’ve found. Thanks, Bob, for all your help (even if it was sometimes unintentional)!

Straight Flush by Ben Mezrich

Straight Flush by Ben Mezrich
Straight Flush by Ben Mezrich

As a drunken pilot with a never-ending thirst for gambling and an interfering imaginary monkey, I was ecstatic to get my hands on “Straight Flush” by Ben Mezrich. And let me tell you, this book did not disappoint!

I was immediately captivated by this outrageous tale of a group of college friends who dared to enter the high-stakes world of online gambling with the launch of Absolute Poker. This book is a thrilling ride from start to finish, and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough as I followed these guys on their crazy journey navigating the cutthroat world of poker. This is a must-read for anyone looking for a heart-pounding, edge-of-your-seat story.

As a pilot, I can relate to the feeling of being responsible for the safety and well-being of others. And the added pressure of running a successful business only compounded that stress. “Straight Flush” by Ben Mezrich did an excellent job of capturing the frenetic energy and cutthroat nature of the industry. As well as the constant need to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Straight Flush & Personal Dilemmas!

But it wasn’t just the business side of things that kept me turning the pages. Straight Flush also delved into the personal lives of the characters, exploring their relationships, rivalries, and moral dilemmas. As I turned the pages of this book, the rollercoaster of emotions that I experienced almost sent this old, drunk pilot spiraling out of control! But I held on tight and rode it out, and boy, was it worth it. This book really took me on an emotional ride that I won’t soon forget.

As a successful yet drunk poker fiend, I unfortunately know all too well the feeling of losing a fat stack. When the Absolute Poker bust went down, I personally lost a whopping $111,696.11 of my own money. It was a tough lesson, but one that I’ll never forget. The only winner out of all of this seems to Ben Mezrich the author of “Straight Flush”.

And let’s not forget about my trusty imaginary monkey, who couldn’t resist chiming in with his own thoughts and opinions as I read. Ooooh, I love a good gambling story!” he exclaimed at one point. “But man, I feel for you on that huge loss. That’s rough, buddy.”

Highly Recommend: Straight Flush by Ben Mezrich

In conclusion, I highly recommend “Straight Flush” by Ben Mezrich to any and all readers with an interest in online gambling or just a wild and outrageous tale of greed, betrayal, and redemption. Just be prepared for my monkey to chime in every now and then with his own thoughts and antics!

Check out the review of my other favourite book Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins here.

10 Ways To Boil An Egg Like A Drunk Pilot & His Imaginary Monkey

Boil An Egg
Boil An Egg – Photo by 青 晨 on Unsplash

Are you tired of the same old boring way of boiling eggs? Well, fear not, because we’ve got 10 methods that are sure to spice up your egg-boiling game! Inspired by the wild and wacky antics of a crazy pilot and his unruly imaginary monkey, these techniques are guaranteed to make your taste buds dance and your friends go wild. So grab a pan and a carton of eggs, and get ready to boil like you’ve never boiled before!

1. The Classic Way To Boil An Egg

Ok, here’s the deal. You take those boring old eggs and put them in a saucepan. Then you cover them with some cold water and turn on the heat. When the water starts to boil, you turn it down a bit and let the eggs cook for about 12 minutes. Then you turn off the heat, drain out all the water, and rinse the eggs with some cold water. And boom, you’ve got yourself some boiled eggs. Now, where’s the fun in that? I mean, where are the explosions? The fireballs? The monkey hijinks? If you ask me, this is just a snoozefest. But hey, if you’re into boring and predictable, then go ahead and give this method a try. I’ll be over here trying to light my eggs on fire.

2. The Quick Boil

You take those eggs and plop them in a saucepan, then you cover them with some cold water and turn on the heat. When the water starts to boil like crazy, you turn off the heat and let the eggs sit there for about 6-7 minutes. Then you drain out the water and rinse the eggs with some cold water. And boom, you’ve got yourself some boiled eggs. Now, let me ask you, where’s the excitement in that? I mean, where’s the danger? The thrill of the unknown? The chance to make a big ol’ mess?

3. The Steamed Boil

You want ’em all fancy-like, steamed and stuff. I mean, who doesn’t love a good steamed egg? It’s not quite boiling an egg but it’s still hot water. Am I right?

Anyways, so you gotta get yourself a steamer basket. You know, one of those wirey things that you put your veggies in when you’re steaming ’em. And then you put the eggs in there. And then you steam ’em for, like, 12 minutes. Or maybe it’s 11. I don’t know, I can never remember. Just set a timer or something, you’ll figure it out. And then, when the timer goes off, you gotta take the eggs out of the steamer basket. And then you gotta drain ’em. Like, pour all the hot water out or something. I don’t know, I’m not a chef. And then, the final step, the cherry on top, the icing on the cake, you gotta rinse those bad boys with some cold water.

Yum, now you’ve got yourself some fancy-ass steamed eggs. Congrats, you’re a master chef. Now let’s go get drunk.

4. The Baked Boil

Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking. We will be landing shortly, but before we do, I just wanted to remind you all to preheat your ovens to 325 degrees. And don’t forget to put those eggs in a muffin tin and let them bake for about 30 minutes. Wait, what’s that monkey doing back here again? Oh no, he’s got the controls! Monkey, no! Alright, where was I? Oh right, the eggs. When they’re done, be sure to remove them from the oven, drain them, and rinse them with cold water. Thanks for flying with us and we hope to see you again soon…assuming we survive this monkey business. And that’s the baked way to boil an egg!

5. The Microwave Boil

Put some eggs in a bowl and fill it with water. Stick it in the microwave for a bit. Take it out, let the water go down the drain, and splash some cold water on the eggs. Easy peasy, egg-squeezy!

6. The Slow Cooker Boil

Ook ook, listen up! Gotta put some eggs in the slow cooker, cover them with water, and let it cook on low for two whole hours. After that, take the eggs out and drain the water. Then give them a nice cold rinse to wash off any leftover icky bits. Ook ook, easy as pie! That’s how you boil an egg!

7. The Pressure Cooker Boil

We’re running out of time, people! Quick, put the eggs in the pressure cooker, cover them with water, and cook them on high pressure for six minutes. When the time’s up, release the pressure and take out the eggs. Drain the water and rinse them with cold water, stat! This is not a drill, people, move move move!

8. The Sous Vide Boil Way To Boil An Egg

Uh, okay. So, like, we gotta put the eggs in a bag thingy and, like, cover it with water. And then we gotta, like, cook it in a machine for, like, 45 minutes or something. And then, like, remove it from the machine and, like, drain it and, like, rinse it with cold water. Yeah, that’s it. No big deal.

9. The Grilled Boil

Time to get grilling! Preheat that bad boy to medium-high, and let’s get cooking. We’re gonna throw those eggs in a basket and toss ’em on the grill. Grill for about 15 minutes, flipping ’em every now and then to get that perfect char. Once they’re done, take ’em off the grill, drain off any excess grease, and give ’em a cold rinse to cool ’em down. It’s time to get cracking!

10. The Imaginary Way To Boil An Egg

Have your imaginary monkey sous chef conjure up some eggs and then boil them using his magical powers. Enjoy the perfectly cooked eggs, knowing that they were made with a little bit of extra special magic.

These unconventional methods are sure to add some excitement and creativity to your egg-boiling routine. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a cooking novice, there’s something here for everyone. So go ahead and give these techniques a try, and let us know which one was your favorite in the comments below. And as always, happy boiling!